About Us

PanAsiaBiz is a global leader in online news and information delivery for the Pan-Asian region, which provides readers, subscribers, and advertisers with an array of content and tools throughout a range of online, social media, tablets, and mobile channels.

PanAsiaBiz was founded in August 2013. We are proud to have a small but dedicated team devoted to the Pan-Asian region. We distinguish ourselves from other news sources with our journalistic excellence and unbiased reporting while providing only the most accurate, up-to-date information.

*Call the newsroom: +919844050199
Or email us at contact@panasiabiz.com

We strive to provide the most relevant of information to make sure our audience is up to date with happenings in the area. Our objectives are accompanied by our unbiased reporting, consistent with our vision to level the playing field essentially.

Our esteemed editors and highly qualified writers work 24 hours a day just to bring the best of articles for your reads. And we also put efforts to bring out the stories popular in social media and to write for the issues erupting and prevailing in our society. With PAB, you will always remain up-to-date!

Disclaimer: All product names, logos, copyrights, and trademarks mentioned are acknowledged as the registered intellectual property of their respective owners.

For snail mail and quick phone contact:

The Media Marketing Inc.
Pan Asia Biz
The Software Technology Parks of India,
IT Park,
4th floor, Opp Glass House
Hubli, 580029
Karnataka, India

*Call the newsroom: +91 (0) 98 44 050199
Or email us at panasiabiz@gmail.com